FEDCO!! Kokoo Papa! Asetena Papa!
Federated Commodities PLC (FEDCO)Federated Commodities PLC (FEDCO)Federated Commodities PLC (FEDCO)
+233 (0) 302 40 4388
ANT/AB/88 Park Avenue, Light Industrial Area, Achimota

The Ghana Club 100 Awards visited current 29th-ranked GC100 member (FEDCO)

The Ghana Club 100 Awards will be reaching its 20th milestone this year.

In recognition of this, our Head of Monitoring and Evaluation, Dr. George Asafo-Agyei, visited current 29th-ranked GC100 member, Federated Commodities Ltd, a leading indigenous licensed cocoa buying company.

This visit also formed part of the Centre’s commitment to establishing ties with all GC100 members, as we collectively work toward improvement of the country’s economic/business climate.

SOURCE : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gipc_gipc-gc100-awards-activity-7075100934950785024-sGMM?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop